KCG presents - Founding Member Victoria Knorr solo show "Responsive Impressions"

Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 at 2:00PM Repeating event

Kerrobert Courtroom Gallery

Victoria Knorr: Artist Statement
Responsive Impressions - Show runs from Apr 6 to jun 27, 2025 opening gala Apr 6 at 2 pm KCG
My Why
My works are inspired by what I see as I pass by while walking or driving through the countryside. Nature, as opposed to man-made things are most attractive to me. I often say to people who are with me “look at that!” I want to share the loveliness of what I am seeing. Nature is the thing that God made, it speaks of His person, and it is wonderful and sometimes terrible and awesome, for example in a storm.
How and what I Paint
For many years I would drive out of town and along rural roads to see what I could find that would inspire me to paint. I would have with me my pastels and boards, a chair and small table. At some point I would catch sight of something special and pull over and set up my equipment. Sometimes I would take a photograph of what caught my eye. I would sit and use the pastels to set down my impression of the scene. At times I would just sit in my car and paint.
I “paint” on toned/ coloured suede mat board using pastels of various hardness’. I start with a medium-hard like conte to lay out my scene and progress to the softer pastels to fill in larger masses. Conte and medium hard pastels are used for detail toward the end of the work. I had to work fairly quickly as the light and shadow patterns change with the passage of time. Now that I have preserved my moment on a surface and protected it with glass in a frame, I hope that you will enjoy the works as presented in this Responsive Impressions exhibit.
Sincerely; Victoria L Knorr


Kerrobert Courtroom Gallery, 433 Manitoba Ave, Kerrobert, SK

Contact Info

Name Jackie McNichol
Phone (306) 494-7091
Email j.mcnichol@sasktel.net
Link For more info click here.